Today is your day Boomer! Are you ready for this?.....Trump, Trump, Trump! He's back! You must like social media because you are accessing it right now and pretty soon Mr. Trump, who says "your favourite president has been silenced", will make a big splash with his new internet site: TRUTH SOCIAL. That's right, the man many of us love to hate, is introducing his own social media network in January to right many his words. During his time as president, he got into a boatload of trouble with social media sites like Twitter and FaceBook and lost his privileges. So, why not create your own communication network and spread more misinformation? Just in time to get tuned up for the next presidential election! Yes, he can run again for president because he has only served one 4-year term and he is allowed to serve two! God forbid.....but we all know he has the ego and money to go for it again. What can we do? Nothing really from here in Canada except laugh at the state of American politics and hope for a Trump loss. Oh, what we can do is NOT access his new "truth" site......even out of curiosity. It will just add fuel to his fire. And Boomers, remember my blog earlier this week on hyperbole? Trump's name choice "Truth" would be the best example of gross exaggeration I can produce.....I'm sure. Cheers.


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