Today is your day Boomer! CBC recently did some research on old expressions and words still used fairly frequently by Canadians. In fact, if you look at the picture, I'll bet many Boomers still use 1-10 of these on a fairly-regular basis! That's because we grew up with these terms....they were considered rather "normal" in many of our lives and we probably didn't even realize we were being discriminatory. It is very interesting to read about the history behind these expressions; some of them you can guess, but others you must do the research. So, I encourage you Boomers, to read the article; just Google it; but more importantly make a big effort to change the way we talk and think about avoiding hurtful comments re: diverse communities in our society today. Start by counting the expressions you still use. That's what I did, and I'll bet it will be a wakeup call for some of you. Boomers, this is a new world and we have to change some old habits. Cheers!


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