Today is your day Boomer! I have quite a few Boomer tennis and golf friends who are headed south for the winter. Some are taking off as early as next week when the Canada/US border opens for non-essential land traffic. I hear them talking and I wonder about a few things: for example, some of the states that they are headed to have high non-vax rates....states like Arizona, and we all know that this fall/winter period is now a pandemic of mostly non-vaccinated people. For example, in BC you are 40 times more likely to get hospitalized with COVID if you don't have the jab. The death rates are also very high for anti-vaxxers. Speaking of dying, the Americans are approaching 800,000 COVID deaths which is the most of any nation in the world.....that number itself would dissuade me from crossing the border. To give you some perspective, the hated Vietnam War which dragged on for about 15 years in the 1960s-70s only killed 58,000 Americans. My golf group wants to go to Arizona too....we feel a week of shared rental and 7 golf games is a great getaway idea, but we are more careful and realistic. Next winter, we say.....and we will keep our fingers crossed that things will get better. Good luck Boomer Snowbirds! Hope it all works out for you. Cheers.


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