Today is your day Boomer! Is it just me, or is this world becoming addicted to hyberole? Hyperbole, you mean extreme exaggerations? Yes, just look at this picture and imagine if your noisy neighbours upstairs sounded like a "herd of elephants". A simile, I agree, but also a big overstatement.....kind of like the size of feet you imagine may break through your ceiling! Maybe it is media seeking more viewers, maybe it is people wanting to make a big impact, maybe it those who wants lots of "likes" on their websites....but check out these weather exaggerations: atmospheric river, superstorm, monster wildfire, raging firestorm, and flash freeze. Oh boy. They make good headlines....that's for sure. So, how about some Boomer hyperboles you may recognize or even use yourself: (1)I walked uphill to school both ways, in 7 feet of snow. (2) I have a ton of homework. (3) I told you to clean your room a million times. (4) Cry me a river. (5) Her brain is the size of a pea. (6) You could have knocked me over with a feather. This time I am not exaggerating; I bet many Boomers still use these expresssions for emphasis. Do you? LOL and cheers!


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