Today is your day Boomer! OK, yesterday's rib accident description was a little depressing and let's put on a positive spin. Yes, I suffered four broken ribs this past week, so I decided to have barbeque pork ribs for dinner last night. Well, delicious! I researched funny cartoons, hence this picture. How about some puns? (1) Hey, rib jokes always crack me up! (2) What did one rib say to another while drinking at the bar? Hey buddy, let's get sauced tonight! (3) Which do you like more: ribs or wings? I like them both because because I am "bisnackual"! (4) What did one rib say to another when they went out bowling? You can be a "spare rib" tonight! (5) If Amazon sold meat, it would be Prime rib! (6) What did the rib say to the steak when they first met? Nice to meat you! OK! OK this is my way of dealing with the stress of my current situation and especially, the 8-week recovery period. Boomers, I think we need to inject a little humour into all our life obstacles. Cheers!


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