Today is your day Boomer! You've got to be kidding! Not again. The news today indicates ANOTHER COVID variant is upon us....this one from southern Africa. And once again, experts say it is even more spreadable than the last Delta variant. With 5.2 million deaths worldwide, almost 800,000 in the U.S. and approaching 30,000 in Canada, this is just awful news! Look at the picture. Is this our future? More and more and more of THIS?! Come on world, come on individuals....let's get our act together! We need strong, collective action(like funding for vaccines in 3rd world countries)led by international organizations like the U.N. and the World Health Organization. We need to immediately ban all flights in-and-out of southern Africa. We need to cancel the Winter Olympics in China in February. We need individual nations to take STRONG measures within their borders to reduce people contact and border travel, and we need inviduals like you and I to buck-up and get your shots....1st, 2nd, and now 3rd!! Boomers and every generation....we owe it to each other. This is a "global" fight....get serious, do your part, and, push those politicians hard to make the tough decisions re: COVID going forward. Guess, I'm angry today Boomers....


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