Today is your day Boomer! I would like to thank our family and friends for sending us holiday greetings this year. We get a variety of good wishes: a frozen pack of fresh fish, small canned food items, e-mail cards, social media greetings, and even paper cards. I do like the pictures integrated on the e-mail cards.....but I have to admit, I am still kind of partial to the old-fashioned snail mail variety(see picture). This card, from friends in Kelowna, featured a beautiful painting of a waterfall and numerous, seasonal-comical quips on our friendship and family lives. It was wonderful, and I appreciate the thought, time, and personal touch put into the card. Paper cards are mostly a thing of the past for many people; they are too costly(think postage), not really environmentally friendly, and a lot of work.....but I still like the concept. Boomers, perhaps another reminder of our "age" and attachment to many things "traditional". And, you know what, that is just fine! Happy holidays and cheers!


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