Today is your day Boomer! Quite often people complain that we pay too much in taxes. In fact, we all pay our fair share of federal, provincial, and municipal taxes....and they seem to go up every year! But.....what a great idea, bringing in the military to help out in disasters. About 500 men and women came to BC recently to help with flooding and dike work in the Fraser Valley, and around 350 arrived last summer to fight forest fires in the Interior. This is GREAT use of taxpayers' money.....considering, as a nation, we spend about 22 billion dollars a year on our military and we employ 42,000 service people in the army, navy, and airforce. These people do a fantastic job; did you watch news coverage of them sandbagging for multiple hours on end in Abbotsford? Did you see them spraying, shovelling, and raking in unbearable sun and smoke in the summer heat dome? Our tax dollars at work, and I favour doing more and more of this across our country. We are basically a peace-loving nation and rarely get involved in global, doesn't it make sense that our soldiers help us at home first? Boomers, we know climate change means more wacky weather and unpredictable times ahead. Sure, government....raise taxes, but let's do it for things like disaster relief. Cheers.


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