Today is your day Boomer! We live in a snowy part of the BC Interior and I can't shovel snow. Why, you ask? Because I broke 4 ribs a month ago and my doctor and physiotherapist say shovelling is a NO-NO. So, what do I do to help out my wife who is now tasked with a big driveway? Well, first of all I went to talk with a neighbour who just happens to have a big tractor with a snow blade. She was happy to help out, so I nominated her for a "snow angel" award given by the local municipal government for people who volunteer to help others with snow removal. Secondly, I asked some of my golf friends to assist when needed.....but so far, we haven't required their help. Then yesterday, I began to chip-in.....yes, not with a shovel, but a high-powered leaf blower(see picture) that runs on a big 20 volt battery! It is great for light, fluffy thin snow and is perfect for small jobs on the back porch, steps, around the hot tub and garden boxes, and our two vehicles. Hey, I feel slightly useful again! Good thing my kids are coming home for Christmas to take over this whole innovative "snow thing"! Boomers, happy snow days, happy holidays! Cheers.


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