Today is your day Boomer! Alright, here we is just after New Years, so do you want to do "resolutions"?! There's mixed emotions out there re: these annual "promises to improve your life". Some people take on too much and flame out after a few weeks, and others say it's too much they won't do any. For me, I just do a few like regaining strength and mobility from my recent rib injury and continuing to practice my ukelele. However, author and so-called "Happiness Expert" Gretchen Rubin advises that Boomers, like us, should take on "22 resolutions in the year '22"! Wow, that is a BIGGGGGG promise, even though many of them can be very small like painting an old window or cleaning a storage room. I don't want to take on that many resolutions....but I do like her second suggestion that we take 22 minutes/day to just "rest". That's Apparently in this crazy, fast-paced world, we just need a little more down time. Okay Boomers, pick your poison re: resolutions for 2022, but be smart about it.....and as I always told my kids, really "think before you do"! Cheers.


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