Today is your day Boomer! A few weeks ago in this very blog I talked about the richest people in the world(like Jeff Bezos) giving up a small percentage of their billions to feed the needy. Instead of spending incredible dollars on things like a space mission, maybe they could be a little more "me to we" and spread around their gravy. At the risk of sounding too socialist, I say the same thing today to these incredibly-rich athletes.....see table. And these numbers are for one year only! I'll give examples of two entertainers that are doing something right with their money: singer Dolly Parton has bought over 150 million books for needy school children in nations around the world and Oprah Winfrey has donated millions to her girls leadership academy in Africa! How much money, as a person, do you really need? Not a hundred million a year!!! Boomers, hopefully we all find it in our hearts to volunteer some of our "extra" money and/or time to help our world! Cheers.


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