Today is your day Boomer! People our age are smart enough to know not to drink and driver or drug and drive, right? Apparently not. There is a new study out from UBC that shows the following: blood samples were analyzed from 4,339 moderately injured drivers treated at four B.C. trauma centres between 2013 and 2020. Before cannabis was legalized, 3.8 per cent of drivers had blood THC concentrations above the Canadian legal driving limit of 2 nanograms/ml, research found. That percentage rose to 8.6 per cent after legalization. The proportion of drivers with higher concentrations of THC (above 5 nanograms/ml) also increased, going from 1.1 per cent pre-legalization to 3.5 per cent afterwards. Now, let's get to the SURPRISING part. The study states that "the largest increase was among drivers over 50." OhOh, that means alot of Boomers! Seriously, I know many in our generation grew up smoking dope and likely still do....but surely, we are past the point of just using common sense. Let's face it; any distraction on a highway--marijuana, alcohol, or a cellphone--is a bad one, is selfish, and is a huge danger for all drivers and pedestrians on that same road. Cut it out Boomers!


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