Today is your day Boomer! Some of you will be pleased to hear that today is "Ditch New Year Resolutions Day" means you can dump all or some of those unrealistic promises you made on January 1 to dramatically improve your life. You know, the ones you were pressured into by family, friends, or your feeling-guilty self. Sure, ditch...dump away, but read this first. Research shows that after one week, people begin dropping their promises at a 25% rate; after 6 months, it has dropped below 50%, so resolutions are tough to maintain. Here are the 4 main reasons for failure: In one recent study, 35% of participants said they had unrealistic goals. 33% didn’t keep track of their progress. 23% forgot about their resolutions. And one in 10 people said they made too many resolutions. Which reason(s) are your best excuse? By the way Boomers, the two most popular resolutions are related to improvement of health(ie. losing weight) and spending habits. So, I guess the moral of the story is either start fresh again next January....or reduce your current resolutions down to a very realistic few that are achieveable and you are passionate about. Good luck and cheers to the cough...cough...heh, heh, yikes...New Year!


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