Today is your day Boomer! What could you do at age six? Probably not much....maybe recite your ABC's, finger paint, snowplow down the bunny hill at a ski resort. Afterall, you were in grade one and the world had few expectations of you. But....look at this picture. This Arianne from Delta, B.C.......she watched as her brother almost got hit by a car on a busy street and decided that same street needed a crosswalk. So, she wrote a letter to the local municipal council and gathered names on a petition, and guess what....council said YES! This month, Delta installed a new painted crosswalk with flashing warning lights at that location and this was the response from Councilor Dylan Kruger: "to see a young person aged six or seven caring about the future of her gives me a lot of faith for the next generation." Arianne says youth action on climate change could be her next goal. Wow, Boomers, if she can do it, so can we! It's never too late to change the any age!! Speak up, get inspired. Cheers.


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