Today is your day Boomer! All this negative talk about global warming and climate change is bothersome....I mean, it is happening, but it is all not that bad. Take this winter, for example. In my town of Summerland, BC....we are enduring a full week of sunshine and temperatures hitting about 7 degrees Celcius. A reminder, this is in February when the average temp. is supposed to be minus 2. Yup, when I first moved here thirty years ago, we got three cold spells every winter. Then it dropped to two, and so far this winter, it is only one. And wow, what a time for Boomer winter recreation: skiing, skating, hiking, big-tire mountain biking, snowshoeing, or just simply...walking; this month has it all; see picture! Oh, there are a few downfalls: lack of snow could affect our summer-time water storage, people working indoors get grumpy and take it out on us, and the continuous sun burns our faces. Buy some sunblock Boomers and enjoy....cheers!


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