Today is your day Boomer! And it was quite a day for these three senior ladies! They delivered a taste of their own medicine to truckers trying to navigate through a normally-quiet Ottawa residential street this week. The women stood in front of a bully-like driver and his truck, and basically started their own blockade! "I decided to get out in the streets in front of a big truck … because I felt powerless. By that point it was three days of non-stop honking, yelling," Marika Morris, one of the residents in the photo, told CBC News on Tuesday. "We can't think, we can't work, we can't study." This incident has caused quite a stir in the capital city as a few hundred protestors remain in a stingy attempt to get what they end to government-imposed vaccine mandates. Marika and her neighbours are to be applauded for their courage and community spirit as the truck alliance has basically held downtown Ottawa hostage for the past few days. Time to go home protestors; you've made your point; leave the good people of Ottawa alone! Cheers!


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