Today is your day Boomer! Do you have a tattoo? I bet most Boomers don't. It wasn't really a "thing" when we grew up in the 1960s and 70s. In fact, it was kind of reserved for people like bikers and hardened criminals. But now it is everywhere. Many people, young and old, have permanent inkings on their bodies and they like it. In fact, about 38% of Canadians have tattoos and the number is 42% for America. What else? you go: statistics show tattoo popularity has grown 13% since 2007. The number of people with 2 or more tattoos has doubled since 2007. Women under 35 are almost 50% more likely to have tattoos than men under 35. Senior men are 71% more likely to have tattoos than senior women. The top 5 most popular locations for tattoos are 1)lower back 2)wrist 3)foot 4)ankle 5)armband. The most tattooed man in the world is Gregory Paul McLaren with 100% of his body tattooed!! Okay, this doesn't mean you and I should run out to the nearest parlour and get an eagle on our jaw....but it is a style that could be attractive to Boomers today. Remember, it is painful and doesn't rub off like school felt pens. Good luck and cheers.


  1. Tattoos are an interesting phenomenon, especially my peers- the elder millennials that had disposable income in the 2010s. They are somewhat falling out of fashion now due to the lack of disposable income due to inflation and the increased cost of living. We see a lot of the younger gen with tattoos in visible places like hands, necks, faces etc. Let's see a deep dive into this very interesting socioeconomic/artistic expression topic. Come on PODCAST!!


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