Today is your day Boomer! It is another sign that our restricted times of COVID are nearly over and Boomers can rejoice a little. The two annual antique car shows in my area...Summerland and Penticton in BC's South Okanagan, are a GO for May and June! And we can expect hundreds of cool cars, like the ones in this picture, and hundreds of Boomers to attend. There are all kinds of activities associated with these types of gatherings. The Penticton Peach City Beach Cruise offers car aficionados the opportunity to show their vehicles in the superb setting of Lakeshore Drive in Penticton. This year’s show will feature a day time and an evening cruise in downtown Penticton, a wine tour to five wineries in nearby Summerland, and entertainment in Gyro Park. It is also a great boost to the local economy, as Boomers spend a ton of money on hotels, motels, meals, gas, booze, and souvenirs, will certainly be a big boost to our morale as most of us have been cooped-up inside for many COVID months. Bring it on Boomers, and cheers!


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