Today is your day Boomer! Another Boomer tradition is slowly disappearing from our lives. It is the telephone landline and soon it will go the way of the dinosaurs! Yes, the wired phone attached to our wall is being replaced, of course, by the cellphone. Stats Canada says 91% of Canadian households have cellphones and only 54% have landlines.....this means we are getting rid of them and see them as a duplicate and unecessary service. It is also a cost issue; our monthly fees for phone, internet, and TV all seem to be increasing....and especially for Boomers, many of us are on restricted pensions and are looking for ways to cut fees. Especially now with high inflation cutting a wide swath into our savings. In my house, the landline is still here....but is on the way out as well. I will miss how it talks to me and announces who is calling. It helps me screen incoming calls and I have multiple docking stations across the house. Younger generations, of course, just laugh at us and tease Boomers for being too traditional.....but sometimes it is just hard to change. Out with the old, in with the new! Cheers.


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