Today is your day Boomer! I spent a few hours with doctors this week checking my heart. I had an "angiogram" where fluid is injected through an artery and pictures are taken of your heart, valves, etc. It is an eye opener for all of us Boomers, as it shows where possible blockages may occur....which mostly come from high cholesterol. You get that from eating crappy foods(see picture!) and lack of exercise. Believe me, when you see pictures of your heart, it is a real motivator! You think about things like heart attacks and your own mortality. The other thing I noticed was that most of the patients there were Boomer men with grey hair! Yikes.....just like me! Heart problems as we head into our golden years. Boomers, we need to drink less, eat less meat, consume way more veggies and fruits, and get out there and exercise EVERY day....hike, bike, walk, swim, whatever works for you. Your heart needs it; it is simple as that. Cheers!


  1. Good post! We may not have to give up pizza totally though. How about a thin homemade whole wheat chest, or maybe a cauliflower crest? A tangy bold tomato sauce instead of that thick layer of cheese? Then load it up with fresh veggies and a sprinkling of Parmesan?


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