Today is your day Boomer! Is there any doubt that Donald Trump is getting ready for another run at U.S. President? The former ding-dong leader is shooting his mouth off again on all things that matter. For example, he refuses to criticize Putin for invading Ukraine and claims that the aggression never would have happened if he were president because he is "friends" with the Russian tyrant. What?! He also is supporting the trucker convoy in America that is doing a copycat of the Ottawa fiasco and says protesters in Canada were "slandered" as Nazis, racists and terrorists, charged with what he called "phoney crimes" and accused of being loyal to foreign powers. He says they were nice, peaceful truckers who just wanted freedom. By the way, many of these people were arrested for crimes like harrassment, intimidation, possession of weapons, blocking public roads, mischief, and police obstruction. But this last Trump statement really demonstrates his political ignorance. He called our Prime Minister a "leftist-fascist" for his use of the Emergencies Act. If you know anything about politics, you cannot be left wing and a fascist at the same time. Fascism is as far "right" on the political spectrum as you can go! Donald...Dumb and Dumber! Trump should have been the star of that old movie.....Boomers, get ready for 2024!


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