Today is your day Boomer! Memory....or lack thereof, Boomers, it seems it is part of the aging process. Yup, we can't remember as much anymore. What was your name again? OK, what can we do to stay sharp? Well, earlier this week I talked about the importance of doing word games like "Wordle" and "Scrabble" and crossword puzzles. Then there are the multitude of number games we can play like Bridge, Crib, and Sudoku. Apparently, eating protein is good for things like meat, beans, and nuts. Lots of fresh air and drinking water helps build brain cells, so sleeping with your window cracked open is a good strategy. And then there is this one: chewing gum can help you stay focused on tasks for a longer period of time, according to a study by the British Psychological Society (BPS). It can also help your memorization skills. Boomers, we gotta do what we gotta do! So, stay sharp and stay lively! Cheers!


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