Today is your day Boomer! One main motivation for this blog is for Boomers to "make the most" out of each and every day. Many of us are retired and can pick and choose our activities on most days; I like to do one main recreational activity, like skiing, golf, hiking, or tennis, plus my fitness time. So last week, I had the perfect day. This picture doesn't really show the background very well, but I had a whole skating rink to myself in downtown Penticton, BC! That means a city of 40,000 people did not send even one person to skate for a full hour on a beautiful sunny day around lunch time! When I arrived there were four skaters, then it dwindled to two, then just me. And...the zamboni man came to clear and re-freeze the ice, so I had absolutely smooth skating conditions in a downtown park....again, all by myself! I tell you, after being cooped up all winter with COVID restrictions and broken ribs, I surely embraced the moment....and now I tell you. Boomers, I see other similar stories from retirees snowshoeing atop mountains or viewing glistening waterfalls all by themselves! It is truly wonderful! Seek and you shall find Boomers, cheers!


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