Today is your day Boomer! We have been around since the 1940s, and we thought we would never see this.....gas at 2 dollars a litre! Wow, it is hard to imagine, but I filled up my truck the other day at 1.69 a litre and it took 100$ for half a tank. It would be even more today. The war in Ukraine, carbon taxes, limited supplies.....whatever the reason, it is a ton of money for everyday use! So, Boomers, what does it mean for us? It means higher costs for everything like groceries because mostly everything has to be shipped in fuel-guzzling trucks. It means retirees, like me, may delay buying an RV because of the high cost of travel. Speaking of travel, do you think airplane and cruise tickets will increase? They run on high amounts of fuel. It also means more sales of hybrid and electric vehicles, which is a good thing.....but, the already-thin supplies will dwindle meaning likely higher prices. Lastly, your monthly household budgets will rise as inflation kicks in. Is there a positive here? this shows Boomers, and our world in general, that we must transition quicker to alternative forms of energy: solar, wind, name a few. Let's get to it!!!! Cheers.


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