Today is your day Boomer! A close friend of mine sent me these thoughtful thoughts....they come from a piece called "The Back Nine", which, as a golfing analogy, refers to our last phase of life. It is only part of the story, but it is perfect for Boomers! Here you go; enjoy. CONSIDER THIS: ~Your kids are becoming you......but your grandchildren are perfect! ~Going out is good.. Coming home is better! ~You forget names.... But it's OK because some people forgot they even knew you!!! ~You realize you're never going to be really good at anything like golf. ~The things you used to care to do, you aren't as interested in anymore, but you really don't care that you aren't as interested. ~You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV 'ON' than in bed. It's called "pre-sleep". ~You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.. ~You tend to use more 4 letter words ... "what?"..."when?"... ??? ~You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?!!! ~What used to be freckles are now liver spots. ~Everybody whispers. ~You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet.... 2 of which you will never wear. ~But Old is good in some things: Old Songs, Old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS !! TODAY IS THE OLDEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN; YET THE YOUNGEST YOU'LL EVER BE, SO ENJOY THIS DAY WHILE IT LASTS......perfect advice for our generation. Cheers to embracing this time of life Boomers!!


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