Today is your day Boomer! Health is a big concern of mine right now as I prepare for open-heart surgery this year. For many Boomers, it is also on their minds as they "age".....and of course our doctors tell us constantly to exercise, eat right, don't drink too much, get enough sleep, and avoid smoking. But what are our biggest worries? According to medical website, here are North American Baby Boomers 10 greatest health concerns: COVID, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, depression, osteoporosis, arthritis/joint replacement, flu/pneunomia, and something called "Sandwich Generation" stress....which is described this way: "In addition to caring for their own families, many boomers are caring for elderly parents. The stress of being a dual caregiver can be significant, especially on those who are also working, struggling financially or dealing with other challenges. “It’s important to take care of yourself first,” says one doctor.“Make an effort to get enough sleep, eat right and exercise regularly.” Yes, I get it. Many of us have parents in their 80's and 90's and they often need help. Okay Boomers, get your regular checkups and be health proactive! Cheers.


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