Today is your day Boomer! Julian Lennon is a Baby Boomer and is doing his part to influence the terrible war in Ukraine. The son of the famous Beatle has performed and recorded his father's poignant and emotional peace song "Imagine" and it is now available online. Previously, Julian said he would only do the song if the world was ending, but as he watched the atrocities of the Ukraine War unfold, he changed his mind. "The song reflects the light at the end of the tunnel, that we are all hoping for ... As a result of the ongoing murderous violence, millions of innocent families, have been forced to leave the comfort of their homes, to seek asylum elsewhere." Julian is especially asking for support of the multi-million refugees forced to leave their homes and is asking that you financially support the charity "Global Citizen". Boomers, please watch the video. It will remind you of John, just after the breakup of The Beatles; it will also tear at your heartstrings and remind us all that Ukrainians really need our help! Thanks Julian.


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