Today is your day Boomer! We pay tribute today to the oldest person in the world who passed away on the weekend. Her name was Kane Tanaka, and from Japan, she was 119! And.....she almost broke the record of oldest living person ever, which was 122. Also, have you noticed that the most of the oldest people in the world are from Japan and are women? About one in every 1565 people are over a century in age and 88% are women. Must be something in the water.....?! Here is more about Kane: born in 1903, Tanaka married a rice shop owner at the age of 19, and worked in the family store until she was 103. She twice survived cancer and lived through a multitude of historical events, surviving two world wars and the 1918 Spanish flu -- as well as the Covid-19 pandemic. Wow, I retired at age 60; she retired at age 103, 43 years after me. How lucky am I. And Boomers, think about it. The average age of female death in Japan is 87; that means she was 32 years beyond that. And speaking of longevity....which we all hope for....remember, she survived cancer and stayed sharp by playing lots of math games and just remaining "curious about life". Kane, our Boomer generation admires and salutes you! Cheers.....


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