Today is your day Boomer! Don't you hate it when you buy something and it doesn't work? This spring I forked out about 60 dollars for Weed and Feed and the result three weeks later is yellowville! Look at this picture and realize my Dandylion collection just went through the roof. It is a yellow carpet of mistrust and it actually really annoys me.....not only because the product wasn't effective, but also because we have a big family gathering in the backyard later in May and I wanted our grass to be almost perfect. What should I do? Contact the the store that I bought it from? Never buy it again? Maybe I could blame global warming, but I guess not, because April temperatures were 2 and 1/2 degrees cooler than a normal year?! Maybe I could spray green paint on those yellow weeds to make them look like grass?! Okay, I sound desperate, but what would a Boomer do? My golfing friend spends 500 bucks a year for a professional lawn service to keep his grass lush, green, and weed-free. Do much for DIY! Suck it up Dave....I will cut them out and try again next spring. But no Weed and Feed, that's for sure....cheers.


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