Today is your day Boomer! I sure miss my Mom today....she passed away 27 years ago at the tender age of 64. That is now the age that I am approaching this next month, and it is hard to believe that she was gone(because of cancer) so young. 64 is not even an official "senior" yet. At my house this morning, our kids are already phoning my wife with special Mothers' Day calls and we have a Facetime dinner together tonight! She got some flowers yesterday and will be able to do what she wants all day with me....even if it means gardening for 12 hours straight! Many Boomers, like me, realize that Mom is the glue of many families. She does it all....job, homemaker, and cheerleader to all of us! She is so special and she deserves our attention and full focus today! Appreciate it are so lucky if your Mom is still here. Cheers Mama...


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