Today is your day Boomer! Not to start off your week with bad news.....but, the science naysayers just got a kick in the butt today. The critics who don't believe in climate change and global warming, led by people like Donald Trump, should look at India and Pakistan right now. Those two Asian nations having a spring-less spring with temperatures soaring well into the high forties Celcius....that is almost 7 degrees above their normal average! According to Chandi Singh, a senior researcher in India, they "don't have a heat action plan and there are gaps in planning. You can only adapt so much. This heat wave is testing the limits of human survivability." India is experiencing school closures, train shutdowns, power pauses, crop stress, and of course, human health suffering and death. It is likely a sign of things to come. And another indication that our so-called "heat domes" of last summer are here to stay....and darn it world, we have to keep getting off reliance on greenhouse gases. Boomers, other individuals, government....listen up, take more action quicker, sooner, now! Please....


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