Today is your day Boomer! As the summer nears its end, we start thinking about things like school, work, and travel......but what about politics? This is a municipal election year in BC and Boomers, like me, are heavily involved. Afterall, we often have the time, money, and inspiration to run for mayor, city counsellor, and school board trustee. I am just finishing my first term as trustee and I can tell you it is very rewarding! It is often not great pay, but it is more about contributing to your community.....and Boomers have alot to give. We did work for 40 years and raise kids, and our skillset is often pretty impressive. So, you have to make up your mind soon. Go on the Elections BC website and check out their candidate guide. It includes a timeline, which includes the nomination period: the period for candidates to submit their nominations to local election officials, Tuesday, August 30, 2022 – Friday, September 9, 2022. That date is coming up quickly, then you campaign for a month, then the big vote on October 15! By the way, it is a four year commitment....Think about it, talk to people who already are involved, and take action. Cheers!


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