Today is your day Boomer! A reminder to my new readers what this blog is all about. It is Carpe Diem, which basically means seize the day....make the most of every day Boomers! Here's an example. Even though this is National Lazy Day across Canada, I am blogging and golfing in the morning, cider tasting in the afternoon, and have a big family dinner scheduled in the evening. I try to work on fitness in combination with my so-called "big event" of the day, but sometimes it is a separate activity. Good examples are Boomers, I know, that play tennis in the morning and electric bike ride in the afternoon or cooler evening. Sure we can read books and watch TV.....but let's get active and stay healthy! Remember the average Canadian lives to about 82, and most of us are already in our 60s and, let's not waste our precious time. Cheers and have a great active day!


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