Today is your day Boomer! Yesterday, I told you Carpe Diem was a main theme of my blog. Today, my other focus comes out.....Boomer lifestyle, activities, and connected current events. For example, are you thinking of selling that ol' family home and downsizing? Better get to it. Economists are now predicting a house price "correction" of up to 25% by the end of 2023. That means a million dollar home will drop in value to about 750,000! That will be a huge drop since February of this year when we hit the all-time high, and here is the main reason: "The Bank of Canada raised its key interest rate by a full percentage point in July, pushing up the borrowing rates linked to mortgages, and further increases are expected this year". I guess there are some positives here: it means your annual taxes will decrease, it may be easier to sell your high-priced home, and it means more discouraged young people may enter the market. Whatever happens, there had to be a correction because house prices just went nuts there for awhile. Good luck selling or buying Boomers. It is so expensive to move.....cheers!


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