Today is your day Boomer! Hello Boomers, I may have been writing fewer blogs in the past week because I am busy on the election campaign trail. I am running for my second term as school trustee in Summerland, but I did find something to talk to you about today. It is for community-minded male Boomers, or actually men of any age, and men who have a little extra cash to spend. It is called " 100 Men Who Care" and it is based out of Penticton. These men come together four times a year and bring 100$ each time for a fundraiser event; they listen to three local charities and their appeal for money and then vote on how much each charity should receive! Recently, they split 7800$ at a gathering in Summerland and so far, they have raised 150,000$. Wow, Boomer men.....we can do this. Add in the socialization and networking and you have a great event every three months! Their website is if you want more info. Cheers!


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