Today is your day Boomer! It is shocking, but very real Boomers....our food banks in Canada are getting used more and more every day! 1.5 million visits last March, the highest ever in Canadian history, and here is why according to a spokesperson: “What we are seeing is the combination of long-term effects to a broken social safety net combined with the effects of inflation and high costs driving more people to use food banks more than ever." What also bothers me is that of the 1/2 million regular users, 1/3 are children....basically on the poverty line. Ahhhh. Boomers, what can we do? Two main things, I think: contribute more food on a regular basis and volunteer to work at your local food bank. I know two of my Boomer friends that volunteer and they also serve on the Food Bank organizing board. There are more than 4700 food banks across our country and they need increased Boomer support. Cheers!


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