Today is your day Boomer! Many of us are looking for just the right place to live....the best spot to retire, but a major concern is "can I find a doctor?" Over 6 million Canadians are without a primary caregiver....that is around 25%, and I am sure it must be extremely frustrating! So, from CBC, here are some strategies to find that elusive doctor: "people should start by asking family or friends if their doctor is accepting new patients. If that isn't an option, start looking for clinics and physician groups still accepting new patients on the website for their province or territory's College of Physicians and Surgeons or other regulating body. Depending on where you live, there may be specific services available to find a family doctor. For example, in B.C. — a province where almost a million residents don't have a family doctor — the website Pathways Medical Directory is an option to help find a provider. In Ontario, residents can sign up for Health Care Connect, a service that connects someone with a nurse who will search for a doctor or nurse practitioner who is accepting new patients in your community. The provincial healthline that exists in many provinces — call 811 in B.C. and Alberta — can also help people access services in their community. Sometimes, specialists can also recommend a doctor willing to take you on as a patient, and don't forget to ask if a local clinic has a waiting list." Good ideas for you from a reliable media source. Good luck Boomers!


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