Today is your day Boomer! Yes, we are the Baby Boomer Generation....born in 1946-1964, and we are the result of the biggest baby-making focus in world history! But why did our parents have so many babies? According to website, here are five main reasons why: "Soldiers returning from the war were eager to start families after holding off on marriage during the war. The economy was also booming after both the war and the Great Depression, so people felt in a better financial position to afford a bigger family. Pop culture—everything from movies to TV and even board games (like The Game of Life) glorified marriage, pregnancy, and parenthood. U.S.Congress passed the G.I. Bill of Rights, giving millions of veterans a chance at homeownership at very low interest rates on loans (and you had to fill all those bedrooms with somebody!). Add to that, medical advances made childbirth safer, and a unique generation was born (and born and born). Late in the Boom “the pill” resulted in the choice to delay having a family – but before then it was an inevitability." I came from a family of 6 kids, my wife from 4 children. Will we ever see this type of boom again? I doubt it. Cheers Boomers!


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