Today is your day Boomer! Another one of those studies has come out reinforcing the importance of fitness. 200,000 people were studied by the British Sports Journal of Medicine and the overwhelming result was that physical activity improves the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine....this includes the booster shots. The study followed people and rated them in three effective exercise categories: "for those in the low activity group, vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19-related hospital admission sat at 60 per cent. The moderate activity groups’ vaccine effectiveness, in comparison, was 72.1 per cent and 85.8 per cent for the high activity group". These numbers reinforce the recommendation of the World Health Organization that states we should do at least 2 and 1/2 hours per week of moderate/vigorous exercise. Personally, I know many Boomers that do way more than that.....but, of course, many of us have the time and money to follow our fitness passions. Keep active Boomers....studies continue to show we will live longer and feel better. Cheers!


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