Today is your day Boomer! The game of golf gets a bad rep for being a competition of a bunch of old guys with big stomachs. a cart, swing a club once in a while, drive some more, eat snacks, guzzle beer, socialize with your buddies, and then drink some more in the clubhouse at the end of the round. And I do see some of these often-Boomers acting this way on my golf course, but I also see people, like me, who walk and swing for 4 hours for the sport AND the exercise. To reinforce this, a new study from reports that a walking golfer burns about 1500 calories over a full round! That is more than you can burn in a strenuous 1/2 hour exercise routine in a fitness gym! YES, golf is good for you! I have been saying this for years. But what about that drink on the 19th hole? Here is what the website states: "to put all this calorie burning in context: a standard glass (175ml) of 12% wine contains 126 calories and a pint of 5% strength beer has 215 calories. This means after a healthy walk around 18 holes you can have a long sit down with a jar or two in the 19th hole and still end up well in credit on the calories front." Boomers, cheers to the golf ahead in 2023....I mean, the healthy golf!


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