Today is your day Boomer! I watched the first installment of the Netflix docu-series "Harry and Meghan" last night, and in my opinion, it was well done! It features the supposed "real" story of the romance of the royal couple....with more shows to come on their breakaway from the life of Buckingham Palace. The one hour showing seemed to have the right mix of interviews, pictures, e-mails, texts, newspaper clips, and home videos.....done with tasteful music. I especially liked all the photos of young Harry and William as they grew up and began to realize their lives would be very unique....and difficult. As well, the influence and protection of their mother...Princess Diana...really helps us understand the wicked, relentless pursuit of the paparazzi in their lives! Also on her death. It is on Netflix only and it may be worth you signing up as a new member Boomers. There are six episodes. Cheers!


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