Today is your day Boomer! You know Boomers, we get blamed for many of the world's global warming, war, poverty, and racism. And, in fact, we also get blamed for the over-commercialization of Chistmas. Afterall, we were born and raised during the growing period of affluence after World War II. So, Boomers, I say it is time to rid ourselves of all this guilt and enjoy the holiday season! And according to the website Playbuzz, here are 8 things Boomers love to do at Christmas time: (1)Watch an old Christmas movie like "It's a Wonderful Life" (2)Sing Christmas songs via karioke (3)Buy wrapping paper in bulk (4) Shovel the driveway even though there is only 1/2 inch snow on it (5)Wear an ugly Christmas sweater (6)Deck out the house with a zillion Xmas lights (7)Play Barry Manilow Christmas songs 10 hours a day (8)Talk to relatives about the benefits of CBD candies and cookies. There are actually 13 in the list, but some I couldn't understand or will just totally ignore! Baby Boomers, have fun and relax this holiday season and enjoy those Boomer traditions. Cheers!


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