Today is your day Boomer! Are you getting tired of me blogging about Mexico? I have done a few writeups in the past week about Canadian travel to Mexico and here is one more. Smoking....yup, the nation of Mexico is getting tough on smokers! On Sunday, Mexico enacted one of the world’s strictest anti-tobacco laws, completely banning smoking in all public places, including hotels, parks and beaches. This builds on the 2008 law that banned smoking in indoor venues and attempts to reduce Mexico's 10% death rate every year based on smoking and second-hand smoke. This is good and bad news for Boomers here. Bad, if you are a smoker, because it means the only place to smoke would be inside your private residence. Good for the rest of us.....which is very likely the majority, because we don't want the smell, the pollution, and butts on the beach all around us. A spokesperson for WHO(World Health Organization) took the news this way: “Bravo #Mexico! @WHO welcomes such a bold move on tobacco control. We call on all countries to strengthen #NoTobacco policies and help us prevent 8 million deaths every year!” Sorry Boomer smokers, it looks like the writing is on the wall. Time to stop?!


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