Today is your day Boomer! I often play twice a week in the winter, with friends and family, and then supplement that with computer games. It is "bridge", a card game of intellect, strategy, and counting...a game perfect for Boomers! According to senior bridge champion Leonard Melander: "It is the intellectual challenge, the problem-solving satisfaction" that makes bridge so attractive; "let's put it this way: Any activity from which you derive pleasure prevents the onset of classic depression and is the equivalent of a narcotic high." He says bridge is a great mental challenge, a way to stay brain sharp, and a socialization strategy. You play with three other people, so talking, questioning, and laughing are a big part of the activity. My friends and I also include snacks and a drink to make the evening more fun. And maybe this will motivate you to play: two of the richest men in the world play bridge, alot of bridge, and often play together. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, and 25 million other Americans! Boomers, do some research and maybe give it a try. It's a long winter. Cheers!


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