Today is your day Boomer! This is a "Baby Boomer blog", some things I write about are specifically just for our generation. Like slang, words and phrases we grew up with that have special meaning for just Boomers. Remember some of these? THREADS means the clothes you wear. GROOVY means something is cool, amazing, fabulous, not boring, and all those good things. SQUARE means boring, dull, and uncool. Gross + Dirty = GRODY(self explanatory) MOO JUICE is simply...milk. A GAS was any activity or event that was either fun or inspired you to laugh. WET RAG means no fun or a bore. SUBMARINE RACES was a subtle way to ask if a boy/girl friend wanted to make out in the car. Some more slang???? FINK was someone who betrayed your trust or revealed a secret. If you wanted the SKINNY, it refers to getting information or the truth. Meanwhile, BACK AT THE RANCH..was used when someone wanted to change the subject of a conversation. Finally, don't FLIP YOUR WIG would be used to tell someone to calm down. Boomers, I'm sure you remember more of these slang items! The question you still use them?! Cheers!


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