Today is your day Boomer! I woke up this morning to a news headline that read "Average wait time in Kelowna health clinic 122 minutes"....Boomers, that is over two hours! How long have you been waiting for hip replacement surgery? One year, 18 months? Do you have a family doctor?....many people don't. Have you witnessed Boomers in hallway beds in hospital acute care? I have. There is no doubt that we have a broken system, but finally the feds are doing something about it. In consultation with our provincial premiers, Prime Minister Trudeau announced 46 billion of new health care funding yesterday; he stated "as leaders, we've come together to deliver tangible actions and outcomes today, while building a more modern system to ensure results for all Canadians for the future." Let's hope so Boomers because which generation uses health care the most? Yup, seniors....which of course means many older! Fingers crossed for a better health care future. Cheers!


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