Today is your day Boomer! We all know what we "should do" as we Boomers age. The health experts say at least 150 minutes a week of moderate cardio walking or biking. Plus at least two weight-lifting sessions per week, usually at a fitness centre, but what about mobility and stretching? According to CTV News, Fitness coach Andrea Tam says, "Mobility training is super important, at least to try to do 10 minutes, maybe three to five times a week. It's good for improved functioning of your joints and also for your muscles." Tam says focusing on breathing throughout the movements will allow for a deeper stretch. "With mobility training, a lot of yoga poses can also be used." Each stretch should be held for 1-2 minutes and a number of movements should focus on the hips, glutes and back, which she says will improve stability, flexibility, and can prevent injury. Boomers, want a quick four-minute video on flexibility featuring Tam? Check out the story from Jan.31 on Cheers!


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