Today is your day Boomer! We all know that many Boomers have the time, energy, and motivation to exercise every day. We all know that moderate cardio fitness, stretching, and weightlifting should be part of our weekly routine. But when is the best time to exercise? A new study of 92,000 UK residents says any time is a good time, but afternoon is best! Authors said in their report that the research is “the first evidence” that moderate to intense physical activity, regardless of the time of day, is associated with living longer, and a lower risk of death from cancer or cardiovascular disease. Specifically, the best hours are 11:00-5:00 when apparently our body gains the most benefits from being active. This is especially true for older men, like us Boomers; the study says "One reason for afternoon workouts appearing to be more beneficial is people are less likely to have a heart attack during that time period. Another factor has to do with behaviour, as research shows working out after a meal like lunch is more effective in controlling glucose levels, rather than walking in the morning before eating." So....maybe those early-morning workouts are good, but not the best time for our bodies. Maybe save those for the very-hot days of summer. Cheers active Boomers!


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