Today is your day Boomer! We are the Baby Boomers, let us roar! Okay, calm down Dave.....but I really like our generation! There are millions of us born between 1946 and 1964, and boy did we change the world. Well, according to a new survey by, here are five characteristics that make us unique: (1) optimism: "our generation was promised big dreams and compared to subsequent generations, they largely achieved it. Thanks to factors like relatively high wages, less student debt and a high rate of home ownership, this generation is known for their hopefulness and “anything is possible” attitude." (2) hard work: we have a strong reputation for being hard workers who were/are loyal to their careers and employers. (3) Aren't afraid to quit: as an example, we have the highest divorce rate in history and the highest rate of second marriages. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. (4) not all that conservative: we are not close-minded and resistant to change; in fact, "if you actually take the time to sit down with a boomer and explain your point of view (while gently reminding them of their hippie past), you might be surprised to find that they’re all ears." (5) very competitive: we had to compete for our place in the world. "This is especially true in the workplace since hardworking boomers consider their jobs a central component of their identity." this us? How many of these character traits are you? Cheers.


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