Today is your day Boomer! Need a compelling reason to exercise? News today from the World Obesity Organization indicates just over half of our global population will be obese or overweight by 2035! That is up from the 38% predicted for the last study in 2020. Whoah.....why is it getting worse? Rates of obesity are rising particularly quickly among children and in lower income countries, the report found. And it is very disturbing because childhood obesity could more than double from 2020 levels, to 208 million boys and 175 million girls by 2035. Where? It will be worst in low income countries in Africa and Asia. The study does not mention specific nations by name. For Boomers, this is an eye opener as medical experts continue to tell us that being overweight can lead to many health problems like heart disease. So, don't, wait Boomers; get on those treadmills and elliptical trainers....or head outside and walk, bike, and run your way to a better life. Cheers!


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